An Update on Metrolinx’s Eglinton Crosstown Project

As you may know, Metrolinx is an agency of the Government of Ontario currently overseeing construction of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. Crosslinx is an amalgamated group of the various contractors and subcontractors actually delivering the construction work.


After numerous meetings with Metrolinx, Crosslinx, and the Provincial government about the traffic and safety impacts of the Bayview and Eglinton intersection closure, I am pleased to advise that this intersection will re-open later this spring.

Mount Pleasant

Crosslinx is currently in the process of installing tent structures to cover their shallow excavation at the future Mount Pleasant Station. Three tents will be used to cover the work area for a period of 4 months. The entire structure will fit within the limits of their current construction site and I’ve been assured that there will be no impacts to motorists or pedestrians.


Last month, Metrolinx held a public meeting to present their traffic plan for Leslie and Eglinton that will require implementing northbound turn restrictions from Eglinton to Leslie for eight weeks beginning in July.

As the Crosstown project continues, I will continue to ensure that concerns I hear from residents are communicated directly to senior staff at Metrolinx.

If you are interested, you can register to receive updates from Metrolinx directly here: You can also call the East Crosstown Community Office at 416-482-7411 or visit 660 Eglinton Avenue East. I would also encourage you to contact your local Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) with any questions or concerns.